Governance & Compliance

Quality system

Patient and operator safety is always guaranteed by RanD quality system which complies with all requirements of the following directives and international standards:

EN ISO 13485:2016




21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 820 Quality System Regulation (QSR) for medical devices.

Organisation and Management Model & Ethical code

In order to ensure the best conditions of fairness and transparency in corporate activities and conducting business, RanD has decided to adopt a Code of Ethics.

An Organisation and Management Model has been undertaken as a tool to increase the awareness of all employees of the company and business partners (Customers, Supplier and Collaborators) in order to ensure correctness and transparency in the conduct of business and incorporate activities.
RanD Organisation and Management Model consists of a “General Part” and several “Special Parts” in reference to the types of crimes and offenses to be prevented.
Below you will find the approved version of the Ethical code:

Ethical code for suppliers

The Corporate Social Responsibility is a fundamental element for RanD, therefore it’s an integral part of its purchasing strategy. In concrete terms it means that policies and corporate behaviour become important economic aspects such as the social, ethical and environmental ones.
To maximize the benefits of its policy, RanD asks its suppliers to demonstrate their commitment to the same behaviour standards.
The RanD Code of Ethics is an integral part of the RanD purchase agreements and is a prerequisite for all future collaborations.
Therefore, all suppliers have to go through and comply with RanD Ethical Code, penalty the contract termination.

Whistleblowing: the violation reporting system

RAND has adopted a system for reporting potential offenses or conduct contrary to the principles of the Code of Ethics and the Organization and Control Model of the Company drawn up pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/01.

This system has the objective of safeguarding the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower and protecting him from retaliatory conduct resulting from the report, in line with the legislation issued on whistleblowing at European and national level (most recently the Legislative Decree of 15 March 2023 no. 24, which implements Directive (EU) 2019/1937 into Italian law).

To find out how to report, respecting the confidentiality of the reporting parties, please read the company procedure which can be consulted below.