2025 Date Place Event July, 10 - 11 QUII, LONDON (UK) BGCS 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting April, 14 - 16 SINGAPORE SPSOC 2025 - Comprehensive Management of Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Workshop and PIPAC Course March, 27 - 28 CARDIFF (UK) 7th UK & Ireland Peritoneal Malignancies Meeting March, 6 - 8 BERLIN (DE) ESSO Advanced Course on the Management of HIPEC after CRS February, 20 - 23 ROMA (IT) ESGO The 26th European Congress on Gynaecological Oncology February, 14 - 15 NAPOLI (IT) Riunione Nazionale Oncoteam SICO 2025 February, 8 - 10 JEDDAH (KSA) 2nd MIDDLE EAST PSOGI January, 31 MANCHESTER (UK) THE CHRISTIE CADAVER COURSE: HANDS-ON PELVIC EXENTERATION COURSE
2024 Date Place Event December, 6 - 11 BERLIN (DE) 12th Course: Perioperative Management during CRS and HIPEC in the Treatment of Peritoneal Surface Malignancy (PSM) November 29 - December 1 BALI - INDONESIA ASGO 2024 November, 7 - 9 PATAGONIA - CILE 4° Congreso Latinoamericano de Neoplasias Peritoneales October 27 - July 11 MARSEILLE (FR) ESGE 33rd Annual Congress 2024 October, 24 - 25 Basingstoke (UK) ESSO Advanced Course on the Treatment of Peritoneal Surface Malignancy, Basingstoke October 2024 October, 16 - 18 DUBLIN (IRL) IGCS 2024 International Gynecologic Cancer Society September, 26 - 28 LYON (FR) PSOGI ISPP 2024 - 14th International Congress PERITONEAL SURFACE MALIGNANCIES September, 26 - 28 MESSINA (IT) XLIV CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SICO July, 18 - 20 INDONESIA THE 26 NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ASSOCIATION OF INDONESIAN DIGESTIVE SURGEONS May, 16 - 18 Kraków - Poland PTO ch - Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Onkologicznej March, 22 CORDOBA - SPAIN SEOQ-GECOP 2024 March, 14 - 16 HANNOVER - GERMANY ESSO Advanced Course on the management of HIPEC after CRS March, 7 - 10 BARCELONA - SPAIN ESGO - 25th European Congress on Gynaecological Oncology February, 22 - 23 PERUGIA - ITALY MIDTERM SICO 2024 February, 6 WEBINAR - Live broadcast & VOD on HIPEC in Ovarian Cancer - Time for change? January, 25 MANCHESTER - UK THE CHRISTIE CADAVERIC COURSE: HANDS-ON CYTOREDUCTIVE SURGERY AND HIPEC COURSE
2023 Date Place Event November, 30 MILANO Oncologia Ginecologica su Misura – La Fine della “Taglia Unica” November, 24 BUDAPEST - HUNGARY HIPEC meeting in Uzsoki Hospital October, 3 - 6 VENICE ITALY PSOGI VENICE 2023 June, 1 - 2 ALICANTE (ES) ESSO-EYSAC Hands on Course on Laparoscopy in the Management of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis - Alicante June 2023 May, 22 - 23 REGENSBURG (GERMANY) OP - WORKSHOP Peritonektomie & HIPEC May, 19 - 21 CAPE TOWN (SOUTH AFRICA) SASGO 2023 May, 18 - 20 WROCLAW (POLAND) CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI CHIRURGIA May, 4 - 5 Dundee, UK 6th Annual UK & Ireland Peritoneal Malignancies Meeting April, 20 - 21 MALMÖ (SW) THE SWEDISH COLORECTAL DAYS IN MALMÖ, 20 - 21 April 2023 March, 25 Gdańsk Meeting of the Peritoneal Cancer Section of Polish Society March, 2 - 4 HAMBURG (DE) ESSO Advanced Course on the Management of HIPEC after CRS - Hamburg 2-4 March 2023 March, 2 - 5 DUBAI 1st Emirates International COLORECTAL CONGRESS E-ICRC 2023 February, 21 WEBINAR ESSO Webinar on Isolated Limb Perfusion: Indications and Technique in Melanoma and Soft Tissue Sarcoma February, 4 - 6 JEDDAH 1st PSOGI MIDDLE EAST January, 27 CHRISTIE HOSPTAL - MANCHESTER (UK) WORKSHOP - Hands on peritoneal surgery course - CHRISTIE MANCHESTER January, 21 WEBINAR Delhi Webinar - Evaluation des pratiques dans la prise en charge des maladies péritonéales métastatiques
2022 Date Place Event December, 9 - 12 BERLIN (DE) 10th Course Perioperative Management Prof. B. Rau_Charitè November, 11 - 12 Bertinoro _Forlì Italy INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Stage IV gastric cancer: a Working strategy in a foggy landscape October, 28 - 30 BERLIN (DE) ESGO 23rd European Congress on Gynaecological Oncology October, 19 - 21 BORDEAUX (FR) 41st Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology September 28 - October 1 ISTANBUL (TUR) 33rd Wordl Congress IASGO September, 25 - 27 SIENA (IT) XLIII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SICO September, 22 - 23 REGENSBURG (DE) Advanced Course on Peritoneal Surface Malignancies European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO) European School of Peritoneal Surface Oncology (ESPSO) September, 15 - 16 Milan (IT) 1st Meeting: Accelerator Award on Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasms and Pseudomyxoma Peritonei - Building a European Multicentric Cohort to Accelerate New Therapeutic Perspectives September, 1 - 3 DANZICA (PL) National Congress of Polish Society of Surgical Oncology August, 26 - 27 SINGAPORE Asian Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Group 1st SINGHEALTH PERITONEAL SURFACE ONCOLOGY CONFERENCE July, 4 - 6 EDIMBURGH_SCOTLAND (UK) ACPGBI 2022 Annual Meeting June 30 - July 1 AMSTERDAM (NL) PELVEX 2022 June, 13 - 14 ALICANTE_SPAIN ESSO - EYSAC Hands on Course on Laparoscopy in the Menagement of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis May, 20 Siena (IT) Società Tosco Umbra di Chirurgia - Nuovi orizzonti terapeutici nella carcinosi peritoneale May, 11 - 13 TEL AVIV The Israeli Society of Oncological Surgery May, 11 - 13 Toulouse (FR) Annual Meeting of the French Society of Surgical Oncology at the University Institute of Oncology March, 21 - 23 Regensburg Regensburg Peritonektomie & HIPEC 21. - 22.03.2022 March, 16 - 17 ESSO Advanced Online Course on the Management of HIPEC after CRS on 16th and 17th March 2022. ESSO ONLINE COURSE ON THE MANAGEMENT OF HIPEC AFTER CRS
2021 Date Place Event December, 10 - 15 Berlin Charité: 9th Course Perioperative Management November, 8 - 10 Lisbona ESSO 40th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology October, 7 - 8 ROME ISSPP 2021 September, 24 WEBINAR 2nd SICOWeb annual meeting 2021” September, 22 - 24 Erfurt (DE) 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie September, 10 - 11 Medolla ShoMED 2021 September, 2 - 4 Poznan _ Poland XXVII Zjeździe Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Onkologicznej July, 2 - 3 VERONAFIERE INNOVABIOMED 2021 March, 11 - 13 Webinar The Hamburg Course: ESSO Global Webinar on Peritoneal Metastases February, 23 Web - AIS Channel 2nd Live event AIS Channel - CRS + HIPEC in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer February, 13 Turchia TKRCD_Turkish Colon & Rectum Surgery Assc February, 5 Web - AIS Channel Live surgery with Dr. Barrios
2020 Date Place Event April, 16 - 19 Capri (IT) Campus Pascale Amore in Oncologia March, 19 - 21 Mosca (RU) RUSSCO Oncohinecology Ovarian Cancer March, 14 Varsavia (PL) V Conferenza di Ginecologia Oncologica March, 11 - 13 Orlando (FL) Laparoscopic Oncologic Gynecology - Cadaver Dissection Course March, 7 - 11 Drakensburg (South Africa) SASOG 2020 March, 5 - 6 Salzburg (AT) ACO - ASSO March, 5 - 6 Cracovia (PL) Colon Cancer Conference
2019 Date Place Event December, 2 - 4 Berlin 7th Course PERIOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT B. RAU COURSE November, 5 Athen ESGO 21st European Congress on Gynaecological Oncology October, 25 - 26 Danzica (PL) 2nd Meeting of the Polish Peritoneal Malignancies Group October, 17 - 19 Wien Esso Advanced Course on Peritoneal Surface Malignancy October, 11 Manchester (UK) MD Study Day - Christie Hospital October, 11 Maastricht Nederlands Congres Peritoneale Oncologie October, 9 - 11 ROTTERDAM (NL) 39th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology September, 8 Cagliari (IT) SICO 4th International Conference of Surgical Oncology June, 27 - 28 Singapore 3rd Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Conference 2019 June, 20 - 21 Perugia Gastric Cancer: where do we stand? June, 14 Paris 12 Journée de la CHIP à l’hôpital ST LOUIS May, 29 - 30 Bari (IT) V WORKSHOP May, 16 - 18 Montpellier (FR) SFCO 10 Congrès de la Société froncophone de Chisurgue Oncologique April, 11 - 13 Atene (GR) New management strategies for ovarian cancer March, 18 - 19 Regensburg (DE) Workshop Peritonektomie & HIPEC (Prof. Piso) March, 7 - 9 Hamburg (DE) ESSO Advanced Course on HIPEC after CRS February, 25 - 26 Channai (IND) Update in peritoneal Surface Malignancies 2019 February, 16 - 18 Phoenix (AZ) 14th International Symposium on Regional Cancer Therapies February, 1 - 5 Lahore (PAKISTAN) Lahore Cancer Educational Week January, 31 Manchester (UK) UK and Ireland Peritoneal Malignancy Meeting January, 11 Lyon (FR) Journée annuelle Réseaux RENAPE / BIG-RENAPE
2018 Date Place Event December, 10 - 12 Berlin (DE) 6th Course Perioperative Management December, 5 KOLN (DE) WORKSHOP NRW Kompetenznetwerk fur Peritoneale Tumorerkrankuneg November, 30 Vienna (AT) PCNP (Dr. Kober) Peritoneal Cancer Network Congress (ACOASSO) November, 9 Danzica (PL) 1st meeting on Polish Register of HIPEC October, 14 - 18 Roma Congresso congiunto delle Società Scientifiche Italiane di Chirurgia 2018 October, 10 - 12 Budapest (HU) 38th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology October, 8 Manchester (UK) MD Study Day September, 27 - 28 London Exenterative Surgery for Pelvic Cancers September, 9 - 11 Paris 11th PSOGI: International Workshop on Peritoneal Surface Malignancy June, 22 - 23 Beirut (RL) 3rd Congress of INP June, 21 - 22 Regensburg (D) German Symposium on HITHOC June, 15 Perugia (IT) SICO - Evidence in gastric cancer surgical treatment June, 6 - 8 Singapore 2nd Peritoneal surface malignancy course May, 18 - 19 Polignano a mare (IT) SICO May, 3 - 5 Napoli (IT) Quindicesimo corso di aggiornamento in chirurgia epatica April, 21 Padova (IT) Melanoma cutaneo: prevenzione e nuovi approcci diagnostico-terapeutici March, 29 - 31 La Boule (FR) SFCO 2018 March, 23 Pesaro (IT) 3rd International course of endovascular oncology March, 21 - 24 Chicago (IL) SS2018 Annual Cancer Symposium March, 20 Essen (D) Aktuelles aus der Onkologie March, 1 Manchester (UK) MD Study Day February, 17 - 19 Jacksonville (FL) SSO International Symposium on Regional Cancer Therapies February, 15 - 17 Hamburg (DE) 8th Edition of the ESSO Advanced Course on the Management of HIPEC after CRS February, 7 - 10 Tel-Aviv (IL) Biannual conference of the Israel Society of Surgical Oncology
2017 Date Place Event December, 4 - 7 St. Gallen (CH) Spotlight on the rectum November, 21 Manchester (UK) Colorectal cancer peritoneal metastases: what you and your MDT need to know November, 15 Regensburg (DE) DGAV OP-Workshop November, 8 - 12 Bengaluru (IN) Indian Cancer Congress November, 3 - 4 Bari (IT) 2° Workshop: update nel trattamento multidisciplinare delle neoplasie peritoneali October, 24 - 29 Rio de Janeiro (BR) XIII Congress of the Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology October, 19 - 20 Monaco (DE) Thoraxchirurgie October, 19 - 20 Dublino (UK) Ireland Annual Peritoneal Malignancy Meeting October, 12 - 14 Genk (BE) ESSO Advanced course on the treatment of Peritoneal Surface Malignancy October, 5 - 7 St. Wolfgang (A) 34th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Surgical Oncology (ACO-ASSO) September, 8 - 9 Saint-Petersburg (RU) 12th ICRCC Congress on Colorectal Cancer 2017 August, 9 - 11 Irkutsk (RU) Management of Peritoneal Surface Malignancy August, 4 Milwaukee (WI) GI Symposium: Spotlight on Peritoneal Surface Malignancies and HIPEC June, 8 - 9 Colonia (D) NRW 2017 May, 12 - 13 Viareggio (IT) SICT di Primavera – Presente e Futuro del MPM May, 3 Dortmund (DE) 23. Gastroenterologisch-Chirurgisches Kolloquium Dortmund April, 27 - 28 Kazakhstan Diagnosis of Malignant Tumors April, 20 - 23 Beijing (CN) 12th International Gastric Cancer Congress April, 3 - 4 Regensburg (D) DGAV OP-Workshop March 30 - April 1 Salvador de Bahia (BRZ) HIPEC -Effective Techniques in the Treatment of Peritoneal Cancer March, 8 - 10 Hamburg (D) 7th Advanced Course on the Management of HIPEC after CRS February, 18 - 20 Snowbird (UT) Regional Cancer Therapies January, 13 Lyon (F) Journée du Réseau RENAPE / BIG RENAPE
2016 Date Place Event December, 1 Padova (IT) Convegno Sarcomi November, 27 - 29 Hyderabad (Telangana) India 23rd annual Conference of Association of Gynecologic Oncologists November, 25 - 30 Berlin (D) Perioperative Management in CRS+HIPEC of Peritoneal Malignancy November, 21 - 23 Oran (Algeria) 16th Yearly Congress of MMESA (Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Endoscopic Surgery Association) November, 17 - 19 Washington, DC 10th International Congress on Peritoneal Surface Malignancies November, 7 - 8 Regensburg (D) OP-Workshop "Peritonektomie & HIPEC" October, 23 - 25 Perugia (IT) SICO + 2nd International Conference of SurgicalOncology October, 14 - 15 Marseille (F) Congrès Francophone d'Oncologie Multidisciplinaire September, 14 - 16 Krakow (PL) 36th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology, in Partnership with the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology March, 10 - 12 Hamburg (D) Management of HIPEC after CRS
2004 Date Place Event October 23 - October 23 (2006) VENICE PSOGI VENICE 2023